45 in 45


My mom was nice enough to gift me a WORKING 1920’s era phonograph!

It is my Christmas/Birthday/Graduation present for the foreseeable future. 🙂

I can’t decide if it is a Style I or Style XIV.

According to the Indiana Historical Society, “Starr Piano Company was established in Richmond, Indiana in 1872. Around 1916, Starr began to manufacture phonographs and produce records.

According to my mom, this was the exact same model that her Grandparents had when she was a kid.

 crank for old Phonograph
The dial is the volume control. It moves the wood block in the speaker. It can be wide open or closed or in between.
close up of platter and mechanical arm/ needle

It is an amazing piece of furniture/technology/history. The fact that everything still works after 100 years is kind of unbelievable.

Cranking the phonograph

Starting the platter and putting the needle on

Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake and Make Yourself at Home

In my brief research I discovered that much like Kleenex, Band-Aid, and Xerox, Victrola is a brand name. Victrola and Starr are brands of phonographs.
The more you know!!

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